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Graphic Novel Review

Book Cover

Dante's Inferno


Author: Christos Gage
Artist: Diego Latorre
Titan Books
RRP: £14.99, US $13.00
ISBN: 978 1 84856 796 2
Available 06 August 2010

A flawed hero. An undying love. An unquenchable evil. An eternal promise. Dante Alighieri is re-imagined as a holy warrior who has returned from the Crusades to find his beloved fiancee Beatrice murdered. When her soul is ensnared by Lucifer, only Dante has the strength and courage to break open the gates of Hell and save her. But at what cost to his own immortal soul? And is Dante himself pure enough for this impossible task...?

Alighieri's epic poem comes to life in this new adaptation which is aimed to appeal to fans of EA's video game. This release collects all six issues of the hit comic.

I have to be honest and admit that this was not my thing at all. I found the whole package just too pretentious and a little... immature - the sort of thing you expect to only appeal to a misunderstood angst ridden teenager.

The art work is beautiful and grotesque in equal measures and is by far the best thing about this collection. Fans of the game will probably wonder what on earth this is all about. It just seemed to go on and on and on.


Nick Smithson

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