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Graphic Novel Review

Book Cover

Johnny Red
Red Devil Rising (Hardback)


Author: Tom Tully
Artist: Joe Colquhoun
Titan Books
RRP: £14.99, US $19.95, Cdn $23.95
ISBN: 978 1 84856 034 5
Available 27 January 2012

After top RAF pilot Johnny Redburn is grounded for striking a superior officer, his flying career abruptly ends. A German airstrike whilst serving in the Navy sees him stealing a Hurricane and taking to the skies as an ally of Falcon Squadron - a group of misfit pilots from the USSR. But their morale is dented when a lieutenant harbouring a dangerous secret makes a series of blunders leaving a trail of his own men dead. Troubled, exhausted and on the brink of insanity, Johnny must claw back his crew's confidence and take charge before they face their greatest challenge yet: Leningrad...

Red Devil Rising sees Britain's best-loved aerial combat comic returns in a gorgeous library edition. Continuing the adventures of Johnny Redburn as he begins his fight against Germany from the other side of the Iron Curtain.

The classic series by Tom Tully (Roy of the Rovers) and Joe Colquhoun (Charley's War) includes a five page introduction by comics legend Garth Ennis (The Boys, Preacher).

As you'd expect there are some very serious and adult topics covered for what was mainly a kid's comic strip. There's even a look at suicide, which is tackled well.

For those that grew up on the tales of Redburn, this is another chance to relive some of the RAF pilot's exploits.


NIck Smithson

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