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Aquilus wants desperately to avenge the death of his father. His thirst for revenge leads the assassin to Rome, and sets him on a quest for the hidden Ankh. But it's not going to be easy, as the the savage Barbarian tribes, led by the deadly Assassin Accipiter, are ready to descend upon Lugdunum and Italy... Accipiter is the third and final volume in the Assassin's Creed mini series. The action follows on where volume 2 left off. The story and artwork are as tight as in previous volumes and the story leaves you wanting more. Once again, if I had one complaint it was the fact that this graphic novel seems incredibly over priced. At 48 pages in length, I couldn't understand why all three volumes hadn't been collected under one cover rather than try to wring as much money out of fans as possible. Still, this is a lovingly put together collection that fans of the video game will enjoy. 7 Darren Rea |