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Music Review

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Ten Letters From Home


Artist: Mega Jawns
Label: BBE
RRP: £13.99
Release Date: 22 September 2014

Mega Jawns were born on 10 March 2014 in a basement studio deep beneath the frozen streets of West Philadelphia. The product of a chance meeting between two veteran producers, both named Will. Ten Letters From Home, their debut album, was written, recorded and mixed within seven days of the pair first shaking hands...

Will Brock and Will Sumsuch's joint project, under the moniker Mega Jawns, is quite impressive, especially when you consider the whole thing was put together within a week. A labour of love, the enthusiasm certainly comes through in these recordings. Oddly enough, there's a laid back vibe that permeates the entire album; as though the duo had an age to spend shaping it to perfection.

Of this album's 10 tracks (56 min, 49 sec) I'd have to say that 'Joy' stands head and shoulders above the other songs here, with 'Dirty Film' coming in a close second. It's a fun, upbeat album, but there is probably too much of a similar sound to the tracks to make this an essential purchase.


Nick Smithson

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