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Graphic Novel Review

Book Cover

Alien Next Door (Hardback)


Author: Joey Spiotto
Publisher: Titan Books
RRP: £9.99, US $14.95, Cdn $19.50
ISBN: 978 1 78565 026 0
Publication Date: 05 November 2015

Alien inspired merchandise can come in all formats, but for artist Joey Spiotto this means seventy-four illustrated gags, placing Giger’s alien in a domestic setting, in the book Alien Next Door (2015).

Spiotto had previously worked as concept artist on both Dead Space and The Simpsons game as well as being an all-round working illustrator.

The book contains sight gags based on the Alien franchise and to get the most out of the book you will need to have seen the films to understand a lot of the jokes. The illustration of the alien is stylised so as to lessen its original horrific look.

I found the gags generally amusing, but not laugh out loud funny, but then humour is a very personal thing. The book is not expensive and would probably make a good stocking filler for an Alien fan.


Charles Packer

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