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Blu-ray Review

DVD cover

Dragnet (1987)
(2016 Reissue)


Starring: Dan Aykroyd, Tom Hanks and Christopher Plummer
Distributor: Fabulous Films Ltd / Fremantle Media Enterprises
RRP: £19.99

Certificate: PG
Release Date: 06 June 2016

Dan Aykroyd plays the namesake nephew of Detective Sgt. Joe Friday. Like his uncle, he's a blue suited, by-the-rules cop who reluctantly joins forces with his footloose partner Pep Streebek (Tom Hanks) to rescue the City of Angels from the machinations of a power-mad Reverend and corrupt Police Commissioner...

In this loving homage to the original Dragnet TV series, Aykroyd plays Joe Friday, nephew of the original series star of the same name. While back in 1987 the movie received mixed reviews, it fairs even worse in today's climate. It's not a movie that has aged particularly well, and will only really appeal to those that saw it on its original release.

It's very much a product of its time and even Tom Hanks turns in a below par performance. Aykroyd's Friday will either have you in stitches or reaching for the off switch. His deadpan, anal delivery becomes a little irritating a little too quickly. Even the usually dependable Christopher Plummer seems to have phoned his performance in.

The script's not particularly gripping, and the cliched mismatched cops that become buddies is a little predictable.

For extras we get just text based Production Notes and Cast and Filmmaker's Biographies.


Darren Rea

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