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Comic Book Review

Book Cover

Tank Girl Gold #1


Writer: Alan Martin
Artist: Brett Parson
Publisher: Titan Comics
RRP: UK £2.65, US $3.99, Cdn $4.99
Age: Mature readers
32 pages
Publication Date: 28 September 2016

This brand new series is the Empire Strikes Back of the ongoing Tank Girl trilogy! Picking up where the critically acclaimed hit series Two Girls One Tank left off, Tank Girl has lost one of her dearest friends, but inadvertently gained billions of dollars’ worth of Nazi gold! What is she going to spend all that money on? Before we find out, her kangaroo boyfriend Booga must pay a penance by going right up the Furry Road. It’s been swell, and the swelling isn’t going down...

By crikey, I was right! I’m so pleased! I had been completely and utterly wrong about the nature of Magnolia Jones in #1 of the previous Tank Girl story, Two Girls One Tank, but I was right when I made a prediction in my review of the final episode – a prediction that comes true in the first issue of this follow-up series, Tank Girl Gold. I will say no more about it here, in case you haven’t worked it out yet. I don’t think I said anything in my previous review to give it away unless you happened to be thinking along the same lines as me anyway…

Following the deeper and more serious moments of Two Girls One Tank, writer Alan Martin returns to maximum silliness in this episode, as Tank Girl decides to punish Booga and Barney for what they have done. Booga must go all the way up the Furry Road, where an exclusively female tribe of horny women are waiting to give him a very sore knob indeed! Barney’s punishment is even worse – she has to write a 2000-word letter of apology, with sincerity and without repetition (and probably without hesitation or deviation, either)…

This opening episode is, as you might have guessed, entitled Furry Road. Of course, we Tank Girl fans couldn’t help noticing that the character of Imperator Furiosa in Mad Max: Fury Road was a dead rip-off of (sorry, homage to) our beloved heroine, so it’s only fair that the comics guys should get their own back with this pastiche. I’m right about that, too, aren’t I?

Before the issue is out, though, the characters have turned their attention back to the important question of what they’re going to do with all that gold – a matter that is well on its way to being addressed in a three-page ‘more money than sense’ Booga and Barney strip at the end of the comic book.

Tank Girl’s gold blend is guaranteed to keep you stimulated!


Richard McGinlay

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