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There may be no “I” in team, but there’s certainly a “U” in onslaught! Break out your jockstraps and crash helmets, folks – we’re going full contact for the Tank Girl Gold Super Sports Special…! Compared to the previous miniseries, Two Girls One Tank, Tank Girl Gold is proving to be a much more episodic ‘story’. The only linking theme to the events so far is the ongoing mission, of Tank Girl and her buddies, to spend their newly acquired Nazi gold. In this issue, their schemes involve inventing a new sport, Australian rules crennis (a combination of cricket, tennis, and just about every other sport you can think of), and filming a retro science-fiction movie, entitled Safe in Your Spiral Arms. In a callback to Two Girls One Tank, Tank Girl is tracked down by her old army nemesis General Fletcher and his subordinate Captain Godber, but she soon shakes them off. In addition to the above tribute to the sitcom Porridge, there are references to the Star Wars franchise and Mad Magazine. The latter is evident in the design of the cover (shown above) by Chris Wahl, and the fact that the sporting and movie spoofs come to us courtesy of ‘departments’, the Ball’s in Your Court Dept. and the Space Idiodyssey Dept. respectively. I’m not really worried that there isn’t much of a plot to speak of. What – me worry? 7 Richard McGinlay Buy this item online