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The Technomancer is a new RPG from Spiders, an independent maker of games. You play as Zachariah, a low grade technomancer. At the start of the game you do get some limited options to change your character's looks; however you can only play as a male. The game opens in Ophir, a city situated on the planet Mars. As Zach you are caught in a war between corporations and apart from the main quest there is plenty to do in sub-quests.
It's not that the game does not follow the tropes of the genre, but there is little here which substantially makes it stand out from the pack. Still, if you like these sorts of games you may want to take a look for yourself.
As you traverse the environment you will often do so with companions and since you share your inventory with them you can equip them with more powerful weapon if you have them. It’s always worth searching characters that you knock out/kill as they may have either items or the raw materials which you can take to the workbench to make new stuff.
The game comes with a ten screen guide, including the more important trigger combinations. It comes with the usual range of options to play with. You can’t change the gamepad settings and the use of the shoulder pads makes the game tricky to remote play with a Vita, but it will let you tinker around with some sound and brightness options. 6 Charles Packer Buy this item online