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Soundtrack Review

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Defenders of Life
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack


Composer: Andjei Petras
Label: Plaza Mayor Company
Release Date: 06 May 2016

Plaza Mayor Company release Andjei Petras's score for Defenders of Life, the first fiction feature film made with and about the Ngöbe indigenous community of Costa Rica. Hidden in the hills of Southern Costa Rica, the Ngöbe Indian community is blowing on the last flames of an ancient civilization. For Doña Carmen, the fight to pass on traditional ways of life will take a threatening turn when she walks young Esmeralda to her first-blood ritual...

Andjei Petras's score for Defenders of Life is one of those releases that is very unlikely to appeal to anyone other than those that have enjoyed the film. While there are a number of enjoyable tracks ('Over The Bridge of Life And Death - Esmeralda'; and 'Snake Woman - The Age Of Innocence' being the two standout moments) the majority of the music is designed to help compliment the onscreen imagery and didn't really do a lot for me as a standalone project.

Those that have seen the movie will no doubt relish the opportunity to take home a musical souvenir. The album contains 21 tracks (34 min, 22 sec).


Darren Rea

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