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Comic Book Review

Book Cover

Tank Girl Gold #4


Writer: Alan Martin
Artist: Brett Parson
Publisher: Titan Comics
RRP: UK £2.65, US $3.99, Cdn $4.99
Age: Mature readers
32 pages
Publication Date: 22 February 2017

Marking the end of TG’s latest madcap adventure, the Tank Girl Primer is THE essential lifestyle guide for all boys and girls of a violent disposition! Pick up your copy today – before it gets blacklisted…!

Despite the claims of Titan’s synopsis (above), this is not really the end of an adventure, just the end of the middle phase of a trilogy. Things are left very up in the air (which is appropriate enough, given that one of the missing friends Tank Girl is looking for is Jet Girl) and “to be continued” at the close of Tank Girl Gold. Our heroine’s exploits will be resumed in a forthcoming miniseries entitled World War Tank Girl.

Despite the ongoing storyline, writer Alan Martin manages to incorporate five character profile pages that might under other circumstances have been tucked away at the back of an issue or between strips. They are of minimal relevance to the plot, but we learn, for example, that Barney’s star sign is Librarian and that Sub Girl was Winner of the Under Elevens’ Girl Guides’ Sausage Eating Competition. It is not specified whether she was a Girl Guide at the time, or just happened to eat some Girl Guides’ sausages.

The conclusion of this issue revolves around time travel, which is exciting. There’s a fleeting homage to Strontium Dog’s time bombs and another to the Terminator franchise. Though the method of temporal transportation differs a lot from the one used in the latter series (well, I never saw Kyle Reese or Sarah Connor taking magic mushrooms, did you?), it is similar in one important respect – Tank Girl arrives in her new time zone in the buff! Either that, or she’s suddenly sporting a nice off-the-shoulder number, as her head and shoulders are all that we can see for now.

Can’t wait to see more… I mean, of the story, of course…!


Richard McGinlay

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