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Music Review

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When You Walk Away


Artist: FUR
Label: 777 Records
RRP: £13.99
Release Date: 05 November 2021

FUR release their debut LP, When You Walk Away, via 777 Records. The album addresses stagnancy in our present world, a place in which all the highlights you once experienced are but another memory in life’s locket...

When You Walk Away is pretty much a flawless debut album. This is how you hit the ground running. The album contains 11 songs (38 min, 56 sec) and other than the Keane-esque 'The Fine Line of A Quiet Life' and 'What I Am', all songs stood out for the fact they sound unique.

There might be one stumbling block for some. The main singer's voice in nasally and a little whiney. It wasn't an issue for me, if anything it helped to give the band their own sound and I loved it.

I loved the fact that the album comes full circle, ending with an extension to the opening track 'When You Walk Away'.

This really is a wonderful and memorable album. FUR should go far with this release.


Nick Smithson

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