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PS4 Game Review



Busway Islands


Format: PS4
Publisher: QUByte Interactive
Developer: Rising Moon Games
RRP: £3.99
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Age Restrictions: 3+
Release Date: 11 July 2024

Busway Islands is a puzzle game about organizing roads and rails across a large archipelago. Your goal is to create a safe and efficient route between bus stations, ensuring that all passengers are picked up along the way. Challenge your logical skills with 35 unique and captivating challenges, while enjoying relaxing sound effects and having fun with challenging puzzles in a minimalist and relaxing experience...


Busway Islands is simple to pick up and play

Busway Islands is an enjoyable puzzle game where you have to lay down the road/tracks for the game's buses and trains. It's simple to pick up and play, but is challenging. The tracks are all laid out on individual tiles, but you'll need to switch each tile in order to ensure you have the right piece in place. You can also turn each piece at 90 degree angles.

There is only one real issue... and sadly this is very nearly a game breaker. The camera is not intuitive... not even slightly. You can only change the camera angle left and right, unless you press the camera button. Then you can move the camera angle up and down. To do this, whilst trying to home in on the correct tile, is both fiddley and unnecessarily complicated.

If you're a fan of the genre then the RRP makes it well worth taking a gamble on this enjoyable puzzler. If the developers can patch the ridiculous angle issue then this is certainly a game that will have you coming back time and time again.


Nick Smithson

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