Star Wars
Tales - Volume 6

Author: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £16.99
ISBN 1 84576 276 2
Available 24 March 2006

The vastness of the
Star Wars galaxy hosts an ever unfolding mythology, filled with character-driven stories of loss and tragedy, of heroism and redemption. Collected here are ten such tales - thrilling adventures that traverse and illuminate every era in the Star Wars mythos. From the life-affirming lessons of the Force to the moral and emotional fall-out that comes with giving oneself over to the ways of the Sith, these exhilarating stories will change the way you see that galaxy far, far away...

Volume 6 in the ongoing Star Wars: Tales collection delivers, once again, a fine balance of stories from both sides of The Force. Fans of this series won't be surprised to learn that there's something here for everyone.

If you are a Darth Maul fan then you'll love Marked, which delves a little more into the head of everyone's favourite bad guy whose a dab hand at face painting. If you are after humour, then there are plenty of stories including the Fight Club spoof Fett Club (which had Jar Jar in it!!!. Thankfully Fett does to Binks what everyone, who isn't female or under 12, has been praying for since he raised his stupid head in Episode I), or The Real Life Star Wars Adventures of Jeremy Barlow - which reprints the introductory pages of the Star Wars: Tales comics in which Jeremy Barlow, script editor for the series, interacts with characters from the Star Wars universe. But, I think my personal favourite has to be the touching Wedge Antilles in Lucky, in which our old hero from the original Star Wars trilogy gets to reflect on how charmed a life he's led.

There are more tales based around characters from the new trilogy of movies than the original Star Wars films - which may suits younger readers tastes, but had me yawning a bit. Also, on balance, there are more serious tales. While these are enjoyable, it's the comical ones that usually offer a much more mature message (as paradoxical as that may sound).

Another impressive collection. That will have Star Wars fans running around air-lightsabering like there's no tomorrow... Or is that just me that does that?

Pete Boomer

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