The Authority
The Magnificent Kevin

Author: Garth Ennis
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Titan Books
RRP £8.99
ISBN 1 84576 283 5
Available 21 July 2006

Kev Hawkins has seen his share of slaughter during his time with both the S.A.S. and British Intelligence, but it takes the death of a close friend to open his eyes to the life he's led. When he's assigned a job involving the Authority, the superheroes he loves to hate, Kev finds himself in darker territory than ever before... and facing the hardest choice he'll ever have to make...

The Magnificent Kevin gives us another dose of Kevin, who we last saw in The Authority graphic novel Kev. Kevin is not a huge fan of The Authority, so when the Midnighter - his least favourite superhero - asks for his help, Kevin is thrown into a situation he'd really not deal with... that is until he learns what the Midnighter is up to.

There's the odd shocking scene, but on the whole this collection is played for laughs. There's bound to be a few complaints from politically correct readers, but there are some lines that made me giggle to myself, because it reminded me of my school days - especially the panels where the kids find out that the Midnighter is gay. And then there's the bitching between Kevin and the Midnighter - especially the farting scene - which, again, took me back to being a 12 year old school boy.

I wasn't entirely sure why, and how, the other members of The Authority were being incapacitated by a pie-throwing foul-mouthed demon. But then to be quite honest who cares? It's bizarre, it's unexplainable, but most importantly it's funny - in a sort of adolescent way.

Garth Ennis, as always, throws no punches. He knows exactly how to push all the right buttons. And Carlos Ezquerra, who I will always know and love as one of my favourite Judge Dredd artist, delivers one of his best collections to date.

If you are a Garth Ennis fan then this release won't disappoint. This is a collection for anyone and everyone who has a warped sense of humour. Get it now before booksellers realise what they are peddling and some humourless stiff pulls it from the shelves.

Nick Smithson

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