The Red Hood has been unmasked, and revealed as former Robin
Jason Todd. As Batman starts to desperately search for clues
to show how his one-time partner can be alive, the hood is
busy tearing apart Gotham's underworld and planning revenge
on the man who killed him, the Joker. Will the Caped Crusader
and his bygone Boy Wonder put aside their differences long
enough to fend off the assembly of antagonists that want them
both dead? Will Batman allow Jason final retribution against
his erstwhile killer? These questions are answered here along
with the secret of Jason's resurrection and his motivations
for becoming the Red Hood...
Two of
Under the Hood contines the action where Volume
One left off (unsurprisingly). Knowing that
Jason Todd (once known as Robin until Joker killed him) is
masquerading as the Red Hood, Batman sets about trying to
unearth whether this is really his old friend or an imposter.
Digging up Todd's coffin, Batman soon discovers that Todd
was never buried, so it appears that this is the same friend
that he held dying in his arms.
and why Todd was brought back to life is explained, as is
the reason why Batman could find no evidence of anyone breaking
into Todd's grave. But the biggest revelation is why Todd
is back and what he intends to do.
story presented here is a marked improvement over Volume
One (in that it doesn't feel as stretched as that installment).
The writing is tight and engaging, and the art work compliments
this well.
excellent conclusion to a well conceived idea means that Batman
fans will be left wanting more.

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