Destruction's Daughter

Author: Andersen Gabrych
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP: £12.99, US $19.99
ISBN-13: 978 1 8457 6327 5
ISBN-10: 1 84576 327 0
Available 20 October 2006

Cassandra Cain, Batgirl, has always known her father was the deadly mercenary David Cain. But who was her mother? Her quest for the truth brings her face-to-face with two of the deadliest women alive: master martial artist Lady Shiva and Nyssa, daughter of Ra's al Ghul. Will Batgirl find answers, or will she regret taking this journey in the first place...?

Destruction's Daughter follows Batgirl, Cassandra Cain, as she attempts to discover who her mother is. It would seem that no one wants her to learn the truth. Batman seems uninterested in her quest and her father, David Cain, refuses to tell her. As Batgirl gets closer to the truth her beginnings are revealed to us in flashback form - it seems that David has quite a nasty secret he is keeping from his daughter.

This collection weaves an impressive tale, even if the truth behind Batgirl's quest is very clearly signposted from an early point. There's also an interesting collection of adversaries for Batgirl to face. Thankfully writer Andersen Gabrych moves away from having Batgirl fight the usual crowd, and introduces us to some serious crazies.

This is another fantastically engaging Batgirl collection. The final panels are almost filmic in their construction and left me desperate for more.

Pete Boomer

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