On the war-torn, poisoned atmosphere of Nu Earth, Rogue Trooper
is a genetic infantryman, one of an elite squad of biologically-engineered
clone troops, created to overcome the planet's hostile atmosphere,
unhindered in their fight against the enemy, the Nort Republic.
After witnessing the betrayal and annihilation of his squad
at the Quartz Zone Massacre, Rogue has gone A.W.O.L., determined
to hunt down the traitor who sent his brothers-in-arms to
their deaths...
want to start of by stating that I am an old 2000AD
fan. I used to subscribe to it in the '80s. One of my favourite
strips was Rogue Trooper, so I was a little apprehensive
about reviewing this game. Usually a game based on an already
established franchise (be that movie, TV series or comic strip)
is an almost guaranteed turn off for most gamers. And who
can blame them? We've all been badly burnt in the past.
I'm happy to report that this is certainly not the case with
Rogue Trooper. In fact, like the Judge
Dredd: Dredd Vs. Death console game, Rogue
Trooper will actually please fans of the blue genetic
infantryman. Hats off to Rebellion for once again ensuring
that 2000AD fans are not left feeling cheated.
familiar with the strip will be interested to hear that you
start the game without your trademark bio-chip friends. As
the game opens you and your squadron are sent into the Quartz
Zone. As you progress through the level your team is slowly
butchered. All Rogue can do is remove their bio-chips and
place them in his gun, helmet and pack back, until he can
get them home and into new genetically engineered bodies.
You soon discover that
your troop was betrayed by one of your own generals. As the
only survivor, you go A.W.O.L, vowing to hunt down the traitor
general and bring him to justice. Helping you are the
digitised souls of former brothers-in-arms Gunnar (situated
in Rogue's gun), Helm (in Rogue's helmet), and Bagman (in
Rogue's backpack).
opening level is used as a training tool to get you up to
speed with the controls (which are complex, but once mastered
are easy to use) as well as the back story to the character.
You have an impressive range of weapons at your disposal.
When you acquire the Gunnar bio-chip, he makes it a little
easier to target your enemy. And in addition you can put him
down and have him fire at anything that comes within range
(while you sneak away and pick other enemies off that are
distracted by Gunnar's firing).
you collect the Bagman bio-chip you can then set him to work
designing new weapons to use against your enemies, as well
as manufacturing more ammo and provisions to restock your
dwindling supplies. However, you'll need to keep a look out
for machine parts in order to ensure that Bagman has enough
material to do his job (you can also collect more things for
him from dead enemies and comrades).
final member is Helm. He is an electronics expert and is equipped
to bypass most locks and computer systems. You can also get
him to cause a distraction to your enemies while you creep
up behind them.
with the latest experimental weapons, Rogue's arsenal offers
him a critical advantage over his opponents. The game is a
mix of intense 3rd person action and next generation stealth
elements, with complex line-of-sight A.I. multiple game paths,
full tactical use of your bio-chip operated equipment and
both single- and multiplayer online gameplay.
A.I. is worth mentioning too. The intelligence of your enemies
is pretty damn hot. If they hear you sneaking around rest
assured that you better find a quick hiding place, because
they won't miss you if you are in their line of site. Although,
they do stand around stupidly, instead of ducking for cover,
if you decide to pick them off with your sniper rifle.
can duck behind any walls for cover, and once there can either
peak around (or over the top) and send out a controlled burst
of fire, or just poke your gun out and fire off a few rounds
blind - which occasionally will have the desired effect of
killing the enemy. Also, when attacking the larger enemies
that are encased in metal robot like suits, you can stun them
with a special grenade and then run up to them and jump on
their back (instead of spending ages using up valuable ammo)
and instantly kill them. Other enemies can also be killed
with hand to hand combat, or you can shoot their gas filled
back packs and then watch them explode.
element that makes this game so impressive is the fact that
the obvious path is not always the one you should take. Before
you rush in, have a bit of a scout around. You may find an
easier path that will take you into the enemies ranks and
allow you to use their own heavy artillery guns against them.
you always avoid games based on already established franchises,
this is the game that will change how you think. Fun, addictive
and visually impressive, this is a belter of a game. More
action than you'll know what to do with. Go on! Be a trooper,
give this a go.
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All prices correct at time of going to press.