Fight your way through the Normandy Breakout campaign, the
most devastating series of battles in WWII. Featuring all
new battle actions, destructible environments, and vehicle-based
online multiplayer, Call of Duty 3 delivers the most
cinematic and intense combat moments ever experienced...
of Duty 3 sees
a significant shift in gameplay for this popular franchise.
If you thought you'd seen it all before (after all there are
so many great WWII first person shooters out there) then think
start with this game follows a single campaign (Normandy Breakout)
allowing you to take part in missions from various allied
points of view - allowing you to see what everyone was up
to during the campaign.
A.I. of the enemy soldiers is, on the whole, pretty impressive
- although the fact that wave after wave of soldier will run
past in exactly the same position means that you can just
pick them off easily. But this is really only a problem with
the background enemies (the ones in the far distance) and
once you know this you are best advised to ignore them and
save your bullets for more dangerous.
also have the ability to pick up your enemies grenades and
hurl them back - time permitting. Although be warned, you'd
better be sure you know what you are doing or you could end
up being blown apart. The
graphics are also incredibly well detailed and I was impressed
that as long and complex as the levels are that there is never
any pause while the game loads more information.
also the odd vehicle based mission (be it driving a jeep or
taking control of the firing of a tank) which helps to add
a little variety to the missions.
I have a complaint, it's the fact that no sooner have you
started to get used to your surroundings, you are whipped
off somewhere else with different weapons and you never really
feel like you are advancing on anything or achieving anything
- it seems to be a relentless shoot the bad guys affair without
any goal to aim at. Okay - I know the aim is to win the war,
but how about some more in-depth missions where you actually
feel like you are slowly advancing on your enemy and picking
them off slowly, rather than the running around shooting anything
that moves? There are a few levels like this, but a few more
would have been very welcome. Oh, and how annoying is it when
you do all the leg work, slowly advancing and risking your
neck as a hail of bullets reign down on you, only to have
your men charge ahead of you and storm a building that you
were instrumental in securing? It would have been nice to
have been allowed to take point a little more.
also not overly simple to tell your men apart from the enemy
in some of the levels. But then I suppose this also reflects
real life to some degree - that when under pressure you may
shoot first and then check who you are firing at later. The
good thing here is that if you kill too many of your own the
game stops (and you are kicked out of the war).
is still the best Call of Duty game to date, and is
also one hell of an impressive first person shooter.
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