Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future
The Man From Nowhere (Hardback)

Authors: Frank Hampson and others
Artists: Frank Hampson, Don Harley and others
Titan Books
RRP: £16.99, US $22.95, Cdn $29.95
ISBN-13: 978 1 84576 412 8
ISBN-10: 1 84576 412 9
Available 27 April 2007

A mysterious spaceship appears near Earth, apparently from nowhere, and astonished boffins conclude that it must have broken the light barrier even as it splashes down in the Pacific. As Colonel Dare, 'Flamer' Spry, Digby and undersea ace Lex O'Malley search for the ship underwater, an escape pod launches, crashing in Brazil... and its occupant has a desperate plea for help - in English. Colonel Dare and his crew prepare to journey to a strange new world - faster than the speed of light...

It's chocks away once again as Dan Dare, Pilot of the Future, returns. First published in the classic British comic, Eagle, these are the original adventures presented in a new gorgeous Titan library edition. Much more than a simple reprint of classic material, these volumes pay respect to one of the greatest of all British comics characters.

Extras in this collection include an introduction by Paul Cornell; Frank Hampson Sketchbook; and Who's Who in Dan Dare.

The stories are engaging and colourful, and you can't help be sucked back in time. Whether you are discovering these stories for the first time, or reliving your youth, these are classic tales that will never age.

Ray Thompson

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