Nemi (Hardback)

Author: Lise Myhre
Artist: Lise Myhre
Titan Books
RRP: £9.99, US $14.95, Cdn $19.95
ISBN-13: 978 1 84576 586 6
ISBN-10: 1 84576 586 9
Available 26 October 2007

Nemi cartoon series has been a daily delight for readers of the Metro since 2003. The wonderfully funny series about the cool, romantic, strong-willed, cynical, sexy and all-too-honest Nemi Montoya now appears for the first time in book form. Enter Nemi's fabulous world, and experience Lise Myhre's honest and hilarious cartoon series...

Meet Nemi Montoya, the vegetarian, cynical/romantic, hilariously honest twenty-something goth, in this brand new collection from artist Lise Myhre. Hang out in the pub with Nemi and her friends, including her flatmate, the blue-haired Cyan; hear her opinions on romance and dating; watch her watch TV in her untidy flat; learn how she feels about birch trees, spiders and blondes; and generally experience the highs and lows of being Nemi in the modern world.

Nemi is the creation of Lise Myhre and first appeared in London's Metro newspaper in 2003. This hardback graphic novel collects together some of Nemi's best strips. This is basically a sideways look at life through the eyes of a young goth girl who has a dull office job, and socialises in the evenings in some of London's trendy clubs and pubs. Obviously part autobiographical, Nemi is easy to relate to even if you are not a goth yourself.

She is surrounded by stupid people who don't really want very much in life, she has far too many one night stands, and she is a geek at heart - she ponders the downside to owning a DeLorean in one strip.

Titan have really pulled out all the stops to bring fans a collection they can be proud to own. This hardback edition has a fine, glossy paper stock and some nice backgrounds to some of the pages. There is an introduction by the creator as well as a brief Q&A.

If you've not met Nemi yet, this is a perfect excuse to get know her a little better.

Nick Smithson

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