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He is the World's mightiest mortal. From the moment readers first heard newsboy Billy Batson shout the magic word "SHAZAM!" that transformed him into a hero - possessing the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury - he became a legend. Now, thrill to stories from his years as one of comics top-selling heroes of the Golden Age and from his long-awaited revival in the 1970s, and beyond. Featuring battles against such deadly foes as Dr. Sivana, Mr. Mind and the Monster Society of Evil, as well as encounters with Superman, this volume collects 14 vintage and modern tales starring the power of SHAZAM!... SHAZAM! The Greatest Stories Ever Told contains stories from Whiz Comics #2, Captain Marvel Adventures issues #1, 137 and 148, Marvel Family #21 and 85, SHAZAM! #1, 14, DC Comics Presents Annual #3, Superman #276, L.E.G.I.O.N. '91 #31, Power of SHAZAM! #33 and Adventures in the DC Universe #5. When young Billy Batson met the Wizard of the Rock of Eternity, he was granted the powers of seven legendary champions, becoming the mighty Captain Marvel when he uttered the word: Shazam! Now, join Billy - plus the extended Marvel family of Mr. Talky Tawny (the talking tiger), Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr., and even Hoppy, the Marvel Bunny - as they battle evil in some of their greatest adventures. With villains including the malevolent scientist Dr. Sivana and super-intelligent caterpillar Mr. Mind, they'll have their work cut out. As collections go, this has got something for everyone. There's stories ranging from 1940 to 1998. The only problem is that the earlier tales may be a little hard to swallow for most comic readers of today. They're not bad stories, just a little childish and the illustrations will remind many of the early Batman comic strip. If you're looking for something a little different, then you might find this to be what you're after. 6 Pete Boomer Buy this item online