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Graphic Novel Review

Book Cover

JLA Presents
Aztek: The Ultimate Man


Authors: Grant Morrison and Mark Millar
Artist: N. Steven Harris
Titan Books
RRP: £12.99, US $19.99
ISBN-13: 978 1 84576 785 3
ISBN-10: 1 84576 785 3
Available 27 June 2008

Welcome to a town called Vanity. It's the most depressing city in America because it breeds some of the most contemptible villains imaginable... villains you might not have heard of yet... but you will. Soon! But a ray of hope now shines on this most sinful of cities. His name is Aztek, the Ultimate Man...

JLA Presents: Aztek: The Ultimate Man collects together issues #1 to 10 of the '90s comic book series. The story revolves around superhero Aztek who fights the forces of evil in Vanity City, where he meets costumed characters including Green Lantern and The Joker.

Trained by the mysterious Q-Foundation to the peak of physical perfection, and wearing the high-tech helmet of Quetzalcoatl, Aztek is the ultimate man. Establishing a new identity is only his first mission; before long, Curt Falconer - aka Aztek - will face the Joker, the Death Doll, Major Force, the Lizard King... and join the Justice League for his greatest, and maybe final, battle.

This collection is an interesting journey - especially if you've never previously read an Aztek story. While I have to concede that the art work offers nothing new or that exciting, it's perfect for Grant Morrison's script.

In places this felt more like a classic 2000AD series than a mainstream DC title (that's a good think, by the way). Mrs Reichle's bathroom incident and a workman who mistakes Aztek for Hawkman for some reason made me all nostalgic for Judge Dredd.

Aztek is not only the ultimate man, he also provides the ultimate in entertainment.


Pete Boomer

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