Having made a breakthrough in his search for a cure to
the virus that made Cassie a vampire, the Doctor programs
the TARDIS to seek out the reluctant bloodsucker. But he and
Evelyn are not the only ones looking for Cassie...
This being the 40th anniversary year of Doctor Who,
it is far from surprising that Big Finish is releasing a lot
of CDs featuring the return of old foes and friends. Later
this year we can expect to hear from Davros, Omega and the
Master, as well as the multi-Doctor epic Zagreus. But
for now, this audio drama marks the return of both Cassie
(Rosie Cavaliero) and the creepy Nimrod (Stephen Chance) from
2001's Project: Twilight, which is written by the same
scripting duo of Cavan Scott and Mark Wright.
Lazarus also sees another meeting between incarnations
of the Doctor: the Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy versions.
Before you sigh and complain that the Doctor seems to have
been meeting his other selves far too frequently of late (the
Seventh Doctor also appears briefly in The
Colony of Lies, July's Second Doctor novel
from BBC Books), the plot device that facilitates it on this
occasion is refreshingly different.
fact, the story pretty much comprises a pair of two-parters,
with Baker in charge of the first half and McCoy dominating
the second, rather than being a single four-part tale. The
threat that faces the Sixth Doctor during Part Two is made
potentially all the more deadly thanks to the knowledge that
his successor is going to appear later on: is it possible
that he will be forced to regenerate right here and now?
for me Project: Twilight ran out of steam halfway through
its duration, Project: Lazarus kept me interested and
kept on surprising me. The only letdown that I can think of
- and it's a minor one - is a rather dodgy, wavering accent
on the part of Vidar Magnussen, who plays Professor Harket
in the first half of the tale. Apart from that, Lazarus
- appropriately enough - has plenty of life in it.

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