As David Kemper rightly points out in his foreword to
this book, no one buys this kind of publication for themselves,
more likely that they have been given it as a birthday present.
And he has a point. It's either that, or picking it up when
its priced 99p in a remainder book store.
Titan have managed to finely tune this volume to make it as
near to perfect as is possible. Previously this genre of books
have been heavily criticised for not doing what the cover
states. Illustrated companions should be just that, full of
nice pictures, more than a few of which should be new photos
which have never been printed before. But what do we usually
get? Poor black and white publicity shots that everyone has
seen before and not a single colour photo.
goodness then for Paul Simpson and Ruth Thomas' attempt. There
are plenty of weird and wacky black and white shots, some
great original material taken by Thomas on set and finally
Titan have managed to include a few pages of colour images
(eight in total).
the down side (and these are only minor quibbles) every page
has an awfully designed border that actually makes it look
like the ink has rubbed off another page and why is there
no author biographies? Anyone familiar with the Stargate
SG-1 Illustrated Companion series will remember
that Thomasina Gibson is always given a full page to inform
the readers who she is and what her background is. This would
have been a welcome addition to the Farscape edition.
The Illustrated Season 3 Companion is
a damn fine read and no self-respecting fan of the series
should be without it. Go on, break with tradition and buy
this one for yourself.

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All prices correct at time of going to press.