Star Wars
A Long Time Ago Vol 3
Resurrection of Evil

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £24.99
ISBN 1 84023 546 2
Available now

A long time ago, in a decade that was far, far out there, the characters from Star Wars made the transition from silver screen to printed page in a comic book series that was truly out this world...

The Star Wars comic series was originally released in 1977 and this is the first time that they have been reprinted as a complete set. Resurrection of Evil begins with the comic adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back, which takes up around a third of the 341 pages. And it is a fine comic adaptation of a great movie.

However, the other two thirds may only appeal to the older fans. If you are a major oldie Star Wars nut then the novelty value alone is worth the £24 price tag. However, if you are a younger Star Wars fan then I doubt that these reprints will really live up to your expectations.

It was also amusing to see the writers allow Luke and Leia to snog a couple of times, which is a little controversial now when you realise that they will be told that they are brother and sister when Return of the Jedi appears. Obviously nothing too complex happens to the characters because the writers were unaware what George Lucas would do to them once Return of the Jedi was released and as a result the comic writers have managed to keep the action at a high level while ensuring that nothing changes too much in the Star Wars universe.

As a fan of the original movies, who read these comics when they were first printed, this collection was a welcome trip down memory lane for me.

Darren Rea

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