Judge Dredd
Necropolis - Book One

Author: John Wagner
Artists: Carlos Ezquerra, Jeff Anderson & Will Simpson

Titan Books
RRP £16.99
ISBN 1 84023 601 9
Available now

Disillusioned with the Law he has served for so many years, Judge Dredd has decided to take the long walk - leaving Mega-City One forever. The residents of Mega-City One are none the wiser, as in his place the Justice Dept. have decided to let Judge Kraken, a genetic clone of Dredd, rule under Dredd's guise. Is Kraken worthy? Dredd didn't think so and rejected the rookie while still in training. As far as Dredd knows Kraken is now dead. But, not only is Kraken very much alive, he's also the target of Phobia and Nausea, the vile sisters of Judge Death...

Now this is more like it. After the disappointment of last months releases of Judge Anderson - Hour of the Wolf, Necropolis - Book One sees Titan back on track.

This is a nice, meaty collection which starts well before Necropolis begins. The majority of this graphic novel sets up Dredd's growing unease with the Law he has fought so long to protect and administer.

Wagner's writing is spot on and Carlos Ezquerra, who illustrates the majority of the pages in this collection, is on top form.

I usually enjoy the comical Judge Dredd stories much more than the straight ones. However, this collection, with hardly a titter in sight, is one of the best Dredd story arcs of all time. Anyone with any interest in entertaining story telling should get their hands on this.

Roll on Book Two.

Nick Smithson

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