Star Wars
Tales - Volume 3

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £16.99
ISBN 1 84023 581 0
Available now

Drawn from across the entire
Star Wars saga from Episode I right through to Episode VI this collection includes plenty of familiar faces as well as pitting Darth Vader and Darth Maul in the mother of all duels...

Volume 3 of the Star Wars Tales series kicks off with a fantastic (and beautifully illustrated) story entitled Resurrection. This sees Darth Maul and Darth Vader battle to the death. Yes, I know Maul was killed when Darth was a small child, but this story gets around that - although not very well. Hell, whatever the reason, who cares? Vader and Maul are the coolest villains and bringing them together is such a fantastic idea that you can forgive the writers feeble attempt to explain how this is possible.

The rest of the collection brings together serious and not so serious stories. On the serious side we have Prey and The Princess Leia Diaries and on the humorous side we have Lil' Maul in: Hate Leads to Lollipops and The Rebel Four (which is a Fantastic Four send up).

Personally I found the humorous tales the easiest to digest. Having grown up reading Star Wars comics, I like to read something that doesn't take itself too seriously now that I am getting on a bit.

This collection represents a fantastically well balanced graphic novel. Great to dip in and out of this will keep both new and old fans equally entertained. There is plenty to keep everyone happy - there are 232 pages of full colour glossy pages.

If you are a real Star Wars fan then you really need to get your hands on this, and if you are only a casual fan it will also tickle your fancy. Great value for money.

Pete Boomer


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