Big Bad Book of Bart Simpson

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP: £8.99
ISBN 1 84023 654 X
Available now

The Simpsons is the longest running animation series of all time with viewing figures regularly topping five million an episode. The series was recently voted The Most Popular TV Show Of All Time in a poll conducted by Channel 4. And now Titan are releasing Simpsons comic collections which bring together some of the best stories from the comic book series...

Big Bad Book of Bart Simpson sees another collection of stories straight out of the pages of The Simpsons comics. While in places some of the writing for these strips is on a par with the TV series (exceeding it on occasion) the majority of the writing is not quite up to scratch.

This collection sees some interesting stories including a look at what happens when Snowball II becomes a superhero; Milton believing that he is invisible; a day in the life of Ralph Wiggum; and what happens when Bart turns into a creature that looks not unlike the monster in The Creature From the Black Lagoon.

It really is a shame that a full, one story, graphic novel hasn't been commissioned yet. As I mentioned earlier, some of the writing is as good as the TV series and it is only the fact that the other stories are so short that stops them from being as good as they might be.

There are a couple of misprints, missing words and a speech bubble that seems to have lost it's white background so the text is almost illegible. But, apart from these inexcusable misprints, this is a fairly entertaining collection of short stories.

Amber Leigh

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