The Conan Chronicles
Tower of the Elephant and Other Stories

Author: Roy Thomas
Artist: Barry Windsor-Smith
Titan Books
RRP: £14.99
ISBN 1 84023 763 5
Available now

Born on a battlefield, trained to be a warrior, destined to be King, he rode from the north, searching for adventure and dealing death to any that stood in his way. His name was preceded by legend and none could stand against his strength and cunning...

Robert E. Howard's creation returns in The Conan Chronicles. The first volume collects some of the early works written and illustrated by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith. This collection features fully restored text and completely remastered colour - and it looks fantastic. Titan should be giving themselves a pat on the back for a wonderful repro job.

It looks stunning, the stories are extremely engaging and it has aged incredibly well - these issues first went on sale in the early 1970s.

If you've never read a Conan story before, this is a great place to start. The attention to detail in both the art and script is sure to hook you straight away.

The stories included here are adapted from Robert E. Howard's legendary stories. And for those of you interested in how this series originally came about, there are several pages of text by Roy Thomas on how everything was kick-started. It also gives a brief insight into what the working conditions were like at Marvel in the '70s.

One of the most impressive pieces of art I have seen in ages. Breathtaking.

Pete Boomer

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