Alan Moore's Tomorrow Stories

Author: Alan Moore, Jim Bailie, Kevin Nowlan, Rick Veitch & Melinda Gebbie
Titan Books
RRP: £24.99
ISBN 1 84023 220 X
Available now

Alan Moore brings together a number of reprints from his America's Best Comics imprint. This collection of original and genre twisting stories features a number reoccurring characters including
Jack B. Quick, The Cobweb, Greyshirt and the First American...

Sorry, but I'm afraid I just didn't find this collection worthy of such a fantastic reproduction job by Titan (Nice hardback cover, glossy pages and a ribbon-style book mark.)

While I laughed out loud at the First American and Jack B. Quick during their first story I felt like the author was revisiting the same ground on return visits (in fact Jack B. Quick is replaced by Splash Brannigan by the end of the collection. I found the exploits of The Cobweb to be dull and only one Greyshirt strip was worth reading.

Sadly, both 2000AD and Viz have managed to try similar plotlines and have come out a lot better. Everyone remembers 2000AD's Tharg's Future Shocks and Viz's Gilbert Ratchet is similar, but funnier than Jack B. Quick.

Sadly this is a mediocre collection at best and certainly not worth the £25 asking price.

Pete Boomer

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