Rules of Engagement

Authors: Joe Kelly and Rick Veitch
Artists: Darryl Banks, Doug Mahnke and Duncan Rouleau
Titan Books
RRP: £8.99
1 84023 823 2
Available 23 July 2004

The JLA detects a malevolent alien race that threatens the security of the Earth as well as the entire galaxy. Now the League must make the gut wrenching decision whether or not to interfere. And when that little problem is sorted they become caught in the middle of a tense stand-off between a metahuman commune and the federal government...

Rules of Engagement is a good, solid JLA collection. The fist story, Stardust Memories, sees the JLA forgetting how to perform basic tasks, thanks to an alien influence. This means that Batman can no longer speak, Green Lantern has forgotten about his power ring and Flash can't slow down. The conclusion is a little corny, but the execution is carried out well.

The White Rage was probably my favourite story of the bunch. I particularly warmed to Duncan Rouleau's larger than life interpretation of the JLA members. His work is ever so slightly (almost missable) twisted, which adds a great deal to the well conceived plot.

JLA fans will love this collection, and there is even enough here to draw readers in who are not overly familiar with all of the characters (all though everyone knows Batman and Superman).

A well constructed collection, certainly worth the asking price.

Nick Smithson

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