Dan Dare: Pilot of the Future
Voyage to Venus Part One

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £14.99, US S19.95
1 84023 644 2
Available 23 August 2004

Join Dan, Digby, Professor Peabody and Hank as they travel to Venus in the hope of finding resources to feed a starving Earth - only to find that the Treens and their megalomaniac leader, The Mekon, have got there before them...

Volume one of Titan's Dan Dare collection has been put together with all the love and care that any true fan of the original series would be proud to own. These classic stories have been reprinted in a large format hardcover which will not only bring joy to many older readers, but will surely bring the stories of Dan Dare to a new generation.

The book starts off with an introduction by artist Dave Gibbons and also includes a Who's Who of characters and a look at the creation of Dan Dare. There is also a page given over to a biography of creator Frank Hampson.

It's amazing to see how gracefully these stories have aged. Over 50 years old, and still these strips will bring enjoyment to old and young readers alike. When you consider how poorly some strips have aged (I'm going to be controversial here and give the early Batman series as an example) it just goes to show how ahead of its time Dan Dare really was.

An excellent release that should take pride of place in any serious comic collector's bookcase.

Ray Thompson

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