The Authority
Fractured Worlds

Author: Robbie Morrison
Artists: Dwayne Turner and Whilce Portacio
Titan Books
RRP £10.99
ISBN 1 84023 988 3
Available 25 February 2005

A finer world has been the Authority's goal from the very beginning, one they fought for time and time again versus domestic and inter-dimensional foes. Could the greatest threat to this dream actually be faith in a higher power? And, following the extraordinary events of the Coup d'Etat, The Authority takes their "finer world" ideal to another level, as they assume total control of the United States. They find that it is much more difficult they could ever have imagined...

Fractured Worlds is a bizarre collection. If you're new to The Authority then you might struggle to understand what on earth is going on. However the first tale, Godhead, does attempt to ease any new readers into universe.

Godhead was also my favourite story in this collection. This sees The Authority battling against a cult whose leader is intent on running the planet. But who can stand against a man who has so many followers; a man who has under his control a viscous beast and oversized singer whose voice is capable of levelling entire cities? This story has more humour than the other two stories (Fractured World and Street Life) and was certainly easier to digest. The only problem, which is familiar too all storys in a similar vein, is that the conclusion was too rushed. One minute you have a few villains who are impossible to destroy, the next minute a solution has been formulated and it's game over.

The remaining stories are very different stylistically. Fractured World is the most dramatic, hard hitting story here - centring around politics. And Street Life follows The Authority as it attempts to find a sick killer who butchered a girl with connections to prostitution.

So there you have it theology, politics and murder in one cover - what more do you want?

Pete Boomer

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