Star Wars - A Long Time Ago...

Authors: Various
Artists: Various
Titan Books
RRP £24.99
ISBN 1 84023 502 0
Available now

A long time ago in our own galaxy comic writers adapted the original
Star Wars movie into a comic mini series. They then went on to continue to print original stories following on from the events of the movie. Reprinted here are the first 20 comics...

Doomworld is the first part of an eight volume series and at £25 a volume fans can look forward to parting with £200 to own the entire set. Sounds expensive, but there is more than a few hours worth of reading material here and fans of the series will be eager to snap these glossy reprints up.

Each story is beautifully reprinted on glossy paper and all stories have their original covers. I remember owning a pocket sized, black and white reprint of the original Star Wars movie back in the early 80s. I read it so many times that the pages eventually fell out and it is really great, for me, to be able to reread them years later in colour.

There are a few nitpicks that fans will no doubt have of the original strips when compared to the movies. Firstly Jabba the Hutt makes an appearance. But, instead of the fat slug like creature we know and loath, the artists have drawn him as a thin yellow creature that walks on two legs. Secondly the Tie-figter pilots have slightly different helmet designs to the ones that ended up on the big screen. And in the final battle Luke is known as blue 5, whereas in the movie we know him as red 5.

I also noticed something in this reprint that I had never thought about before. On the final attack on the Death Star why do the X-Wing pilots zoom down the trench for miles? As the computer targets the exhaust port which they must shoot at why can't they simply dive in a few hundred feet before the target and then zoom out again? This would stop the tie-fighters from being able to pick them off so easy.

After the Star Wars IV: A New Hope reprints we are treated to some of the events that may have happened afterwards. Han has now left to repay Jabba, but space pirates stop his plans. He forms a small army of men (including a large green rabbit) to rid the galaxy of evil and try and get some money together before Jabba can track him down.

Titan have done a wonderful job of reprinting these 70s comics and £25 is not an unreasonable price to pay for such a huge collection.

Pete Boomer

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