Season six starts with Buffy being raised from the dead by
the friends who miss her, and believe her to be in a demon
dimension. How wrong they were, as throughout the series Buffy
continues to come to terms about being torn from her peaceful
rest in heaven. She keeps herself distant from everyone even
starting a relationship with the evil, besotted vampire Spike
just to feel some kind of emotion...
becomes increasingly caught up in the temptations of magic.
Xander and Anya move towards marriage without ever discussing
their reservations. Giles feels he is standing in the way
of Buffy's adult independence and Dawn feels neglected.
top of this bad guys appear, and also bring the most humour
to the show. The three geeks are continuously funny, and are
probably the second best thing in this series, taking second
place to the amazing One more time with feeling musical
six brings back what was missing in four and five, mixing
drama, comedy and butt-kicking action altogether.
the dark underlying theme still continues, the first half
of this series grips you just like the earlier ones.
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