A Man Called Kev

Author: |Garth Ennis
Artist: Carlos Ezquerra
Titan Books
RRP: £9.99, US $14.99
ISBN-13: 978 1 84576 596 5
ISBN-10: 1 84576 596 6
Available 24 August 2007

The world is a lonely place when you're a man without a home - just ask Kev Hawkins. After murdering his boss in a nasty government scheme, he's banished from the United Kingdom under pain of death. What does the world hold for a man with little life experience or training beyond wetworks and assassination? Then again, with the past about to catch up with Kev in the most violent and terrifying way possible, what the world holds for him may be may be beside the point...

A Man Called Kev features the exploits of the comedic spin-off character from The Authority, Kev Hawkins. Previously appearing in The Authority: Kev and The Authority: The Magnificent Kevin, this new graphic novel sees our hero step out on his own - away from the shadow of The Authority.

So who is Kev Hawkins? He's a former SAS soldier turned full-time drop-out. He took out the Authority (by accident). He stopped an alien invasion (through blind luck). And, unfortunately for him, he allowed a senior British politician to be eaten by a tiger.

During the Gulf War, Kev's SAS unit took on a highly classified mission, and saw something they shouldn't have seen. Now mysterious assassins are wiping them out - and Kev's next on the list. On the run and outgunned, Kev must turn to an old friend for help. But can this perennial loser really turn his life around?

Surprisingly, for a Kev tale, there are not many laughs in this story. Sadly this, ultimately, is it's downfall. Kev only really works when he's fumbling his way through a dangerous situation. This release takes itself a tad too seriously, which is a mighty shame.

While not as enjoyable as the first two Kev releases, this is still entertaining enough to add to your collection.

Nick Smithson

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